The Santa Fe Chilled Nectarine Soup was a real hit at the going away celebration Friday night – almost as sweet and savory as the friendships and conversations and the awareness of my impending departure. With a dedication of gratitude to Dorene, Tim, Sarah, Jan, Teresa, Sue and Peter, here is the recipe:
8 small fresh nectarines, cut up (2 pounds)
1 cup apple juice
1 cup cran-raspberry juice
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
¼ cup fresh cilantro leaves
Combine nectarines with juices, salt, pepper flakes and vinegar in electric blender. Whirl until smooth and blended. Add cilantro leaves and whirl in stop-and-go fashion for a few seconds just to chop. Serve chilled.